On March 25, 2017 I had the most life-like, powerful prophetic dream I have ever had. And, completely unlike any of my others, which always occur just upon awakening, this one took place in the middle of the day. Why is this so significant? It is because I have an ongoing struggle with insomnia due […]
Author: Kerry Lebrun
Urgent Prophetic Word, 2020!
On April 9, 2020 (the day after Passover), while I was fasting and praying as part of a Solemn Assembly, God unexpectedly spoke this word to me: “The Lord cometh! The Lord cometh! The Lord cometh! A fire goes before Him! Let all the earth be silent before Me!” I turned to my husband and […]
Has His Face Changed Yours? (Part 5 Psalm 91 Series)
How does true, permanent transformation take place within one’s heart and life? The Table of Shewbread reveals how!
Biblical Submission and the Rest of the Story
What does the Bible really say about wives submitting to their husbands? What is Biblical submission, and what are the misconceptions that turn so-called submission into abuse? How can true Godly submission heal a marriage?
Come Out of Her, My People! (Part 4 Psalm 91 Series)
In our last article under the Psalm 91 series, we uncovered the meaning of the Brazen Altar and its place in my recent warning dream to America. You can view this article, “Is God Your All-Consuming Fire?” by going to “Blogs” at “heavenshopeunveiled.com. Parts 1 and 2 of the series are there as well. In this […]
Is God Your All-Consuming Fire? (Part 3 Psalm 91 series)
On October 1, 2019, I had a warning dream to America, warning of at least two impending judgements (major shakings) that are about to hit the heart [land] of America. (You can view it in full under part 1, “Warning Dream to America”, at heavenshopeunveiled.com under “blogs) In the dream, as two or three massive […]
Are You [Really] Dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High? (Part 2 Psalm 91 series)

What is the secret place of the Most High and how does one dwell therein?
Warning Dream to America (Part 1, Psalm 91 Series)
Because of time constraints, I have not been extremely involved in social media and I rarely go on Facebook. Beyond that, I prefer to stay in the back round. Although I have taught publicly on various occasions and have posted a few articles on Z3news, I have done so only because I felt compelled by […]
How To Receive Revelation Knowledge
For almost 30 years of being a follower of Christ, all I had was mere intellectual knowledge of the love of Christ. I didn’t even realize it was merely intellectual knowledge, until His love was finally revealed to my heart! This was when other revelations of the Cross began to flood the eyes of my […]
Free Chapter from Against All Hope Until… Chapter 6: OUR SAFE PLACE
Chapter 8, OUR SAFE PLACE – Copy Chapter 8 OUR SAFE PLACE.pdf PDF link Recently, people have been asking me how to deal with anxiety. Not surprising, as the days we are living in are increasingly more and more fearful to face. To make it worse, people who have experienced trauma and abuse struggle with […]