On October 1, 2019, I had a warning dream to America, warning of at least two impending judgements (major shakings) that are about to hit the heart [land] of America. (You can view it in full under part 1, “Warning Dream to America”, at heavenshopeunveiled.com under “blogs) In the dream, as two or three massive […]
Tag: peace
Are You [Really] Dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High? (Part 2 Psalm 91 series)

What is the secret place of the Most High and how does one dwell therein?
Warning Dream to America (Part 1, Psalm 91 Series)
Because of time constraints, I have not been extremely involved in social media and I rarely go on Facebook. Beyond that, I prefer to stay in the back round. Although I have taught publicly on various occasions and have posted a few articles on Z3news, I have done so only because I felt compelled by […]