I Know What it is to Hurt

"I do know what it is to hurt. Hurt badly. To the point where you completely shut down and even live that way, if you can call that living. I know what it is to suffer so intensely that it surpasses your ability to endure, even for another second. To feel like each minute is an eternity, and wonder how you can possibly endure an entire lifetime. And, to feel completely alone in it. I know what it is like to barely escape death in hospital emergency rooms, due to repeated suicidal attempts. One of those times, the attending physician worked to restart my breathing a total of five times. In short, I know what it’s like to feel you are well beyond all hope."
Something even more profound began to settle in

"Then, something even more profound began to settle in: That my dream about Jesus making my broken portrait whole, was not some random prophetic dream, given to some random person. It was a promise written in blood 2000 years ago at the Cross, written in black and white in the pages of the Bible, and written to the entire world! Now I knew, without any doubt, whatsoever, that God would take my broken pieces and make every single one of them completely whole! "
Suddenly, my eyes were opened!

"Suddenly, my eyes were opened! In a vision, I saw Jesus in His Glorified state, as illustrated in Revelation 1:12-17: As I was beholding the Risen Christ, He kept saying to me, "Do you see Who I Am? Do you not realize what I have done on your behalf? Do you not know that everything you have ever faced, everything you are facing now, and everything you will ever face, I have already overcome it? All victory is in Me, and you will find it as you seek Me."
For the next hour and a half, Father God and I talked

"For the next hour and a half, Father God and I talked and walked together down my back road, as He continued revealing His heart to me. Some may think I’m crazy, but what I experienced with Him was more real than the trees, the grass, and the flowers surrounding me.It was as if the veil that separates the natural realm from the spiritual, was temporarily pealed back. Many precious things were revealed to me about Father God during that walk, but the thing that stood out to me the most was the clarity I received concerning His love for me: it was as if I were His only child, the sole object of His love: Like the entirety of His love was poured out on me! I knew that this is how He loves each one of His children!"